One-day training programme on “Ecosystem Modelling for Fishery Management: Ecopath with Ecosim” was organised by the Department of Fisheries Resource Management, Faculty of Fishery Sciences, WBUAFS, Kolkata on 25.06.2024
MoU signed between WBUAFS and Directorate of Fisheries, Govt. of West Bengal
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Smarak Vigyan Mela O Pradarshani held on 16th to 18th March 2023 at West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, Kolkata
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Smarak Vigyan Mela O Pradarshaniwas organized on and from 16 to 18th March, 2023 at the West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Belgachia, Kolkata-700037 in collaboration with Paschim Banga Vigyan Mancha. A total 75 number of exhibition stalls from different universities, schools, colleges, state and central government institutions, ICAR institutes, private sectors and pharmaceutical companies have been erected in the mela premises showcasing their scientific advancements and technological innovations through models, charts, posters, specimens, live samples, etc.
The mela was inaugurated by Prof. Ashok Nath Basu, Former Vice Chancellor, Jadavpur University, in the august presence Dr. Pradip Dey, Director, ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Kolkata; Dr. Asok Kanti Sanyal, Former Chairman, West Bengal Biodiversity Board and President, Peoples Association for Science and Environment; Prof. Pradip Mahapatra, General Secretary, Paschim Banga Vigyan Mancha; Prof Partha Das, Registrar, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences; Prof Shyamal Chakrabarti, Vice President, Paschim Banga Vigyan Mancha; Sk. Soleman, Secretary, Paschim Banga Vigyan Mancha; Dr.Satyabrata Chakrabarty, General Secretary, Asiatic Society. Prof. Tapan Kumar Mandal, Vice Chancellor, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, presided over the inaugural function. The valedictory programme was presided by Prof. Siddhartha Dutta, President, Kolkata District Committee of Paschim Banga Vigyan Mancha. Prof. C. S. Chakrabarti, Former Vice Chancellor, WBUAFS grace the occasion as Chief Guest. Prof. (Dr.) Santi Pada Gon Chaudhuri, Expert of Energy, Government of India and Dr. Nataraj Dasgupta, Director, National Council of Science Museums, present as the Special Guest. Prof. Pradip Kumar Das, Working Chairman of the Mela Committee, presented the brief of the mela and announced the future plan of the committee.
National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), an autonomous society under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, has put up a dedicated pavilion portraying the growth of science and technology and their applications in industry and human welfare, with a view to develop scientific attitude and temper amongst the people. The ICAR institutes, namely CIFE, Kolkata centre; NDRI (ERS), Kalyani; IVRI(ERS), Belgachia; CIFRI, Barrackpore: ATARI, Kolkata, and CIBA (RRS), Kakdwip have set up their exhibition stalls and demonstrated a number of farmer-centric and location-specific technologies in the field of fisheries and animal husbandry sectors by erecting stalls with demonstrations of different models, charts and posters. About 3000 (three thousand) numbers of farmers, students, and local citizens, including technocrats and bureaucrats from different fields, visited the stalls and mela each day and shared their views with the scientists.
Scientific discussions, technical sessions, pet exhibitions, discussions regarding public and mental health, fisheries development, and challenges towards science and technology, including anti-superstition shows and cultural programmes, were held to inculcate the knowledge of science and technology amongst participants. Skill competitions and cultural programmes were also conducted.
In overall performances among the participating total of 78 exhibiting stalls, the Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) ranked first in the exhibition; Survey of India ranked second, and the Asiatic Society and Indian Wave of Amateur Radio jointly positioned third.Celebrating International Women's Day on 8th March, 2022 organized by NSS Unit, WBUAFS
The ICAR Sponsored Winter School entitled ‘Advanced Extension & Communication Strategies for Sustainable Livelihood through Animal Husbandry & Allied Farming System’ was organized from February, 15 to March 07, 2022(21 days) by the Dept. of Veterinary & A.H. Extension Education, F/O-Veterinary & Animal Sciences, W.B. University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, 68, K.B. Sarani, Kolkata-700037, W.B. in virtual mode due to re-emerging COVID-19 pandemic in the state of West Bengal. A total
of 34 no’s of trainee participants in the rank of Assistant Professor or equivalent and working under Veterinary Science or Agricultural Science Universities, ICAR Institute, National/Central institute or organization, KVKs of ICAR/SAU and other similar central or State level academic or research institute participated for their professional knowledge upliftment as well as carrier advancement benefit in their concerned institutes of Pan India. Among 34 no’s of participants, 27 no’s were male and 07 no’s were female from 13 different disciplines under 14 different states of the country. Initially, the CBP program was decided to organize in physical mode, but due to re-emerging pandemic of COVID19 and successive lock down in allover the state, ICAR was directed to conduct the event in virtual mode, as the event should be completed within 31st march, 2022.Considering the directives of ICAR, the winter school was organized in virtual mode through Google meet platform without compromising its qualitative and quantitative dimension as like physical mode. A total of 49 no’s of eminent senior resource persons from various national and state level reputed SAU/SVU & ICAR institutes delivered and shared their innovative as well as interactive thought on several advanced thematic extension education concepts for better sustainable livelihood generation through improved animal husbandry and allied farming practices among rural stakeholders and entrepreneurs for better knowledge based skill up gradation of the trainee participants throughout the vigorous session in 21 days of the winter school. In first day of the inauguration event, Prof. Chanchal Guha, VC, WBUAFS, Prof. M.M. Adhikary,Former VC, BCKV, Prof. P. Biswas, Former VC, WBUAFS, Prof. T.K. Mondal, Director, DREF, WBUAFS, Prof. Partha Das, Registrar, WBUAFS, Prof. T.K. Maity, Dean, F/O-DT, WBUAFS, Prof. B.K. Das, Dean, F/O-Fishery Sc., WBUFS, Prof. N. Ghosh, Dean, F/O-VAS, WBUAFS delivered their valuable thoughts for organizing such type of winter school in present day context for the in-service professional of various institutes in the WBUAFS.
In this winter school,a total 49 no’s of senior level nationally acclaimed resource persons took session on various innovative Extension education concepts, in which the names of some notable resource persons are- Prof. A. Panigrahi, Pro-VC, Burdwan University, Dr. M. Chander, Joint Director, ICAR-IVRI,UP, Prof. P. Paul, Director of Extension, UBKV, Prof. N. Sudeep Kumar, DEE, TANUVAS, Dr. R.K. Sohane, DEE, BAU, Patna, Bihar, Prof. S. Ramkumar, Dean, RIVER, Pondicherry, Prof. Atul, Borghain,
Assoc. Dir of Extn, AAU and many more. After successful completion of the 21days long deliberations, in the valedictory session, Prof. Partha Das, Registrar, WBUAFS, Kolkata, Prof. S. Batabyal, Dean, DSW, WBUAFS, WB, Prof. N. Ghosh, Dean, F/O-VAS, WBUAFSc & Prof. A. Goswami, Course Director of the winter school were present and released a printed resource documents (355pages) by compiling the deliberations of all 49 no’s of resource persons for handing over to the participants for better recapitulation and future ready reference. After that, they handed over completion certificate to 03 no’s of internal participants physically during the valedictory session and all other certificates will be handed over to the participants by speed post after successful evaluation and feedback of the HRD program at the earliest. Prof. A. Goswami, Course director along with Dr. Sukanta Biswas & Dr. Debasish Saha, Course Coordinator of the winter school, tried their best to organize the CBP programme of the ICAR very meticulously through interactive deliberation, group discussion, quizzes, group activities, brainstorming session, presentation, assignments & systematic evaluation among the participants for better knowledge retention, capacity building and visible impact of the event following the intended purposes of the esteemed ICAR, New Delhi as sponsoring authority in effective collaboration with WBUAFS, Kolkata, W.B.
HRD Programme of KVKs (07.12.2021 to 09.12.2021)
Like every year, the Directorate of Research, Extension & Farms of the University has scheduled to organise three numbers of ICAR sponsored HRD Programmes for the KVK Personnels of West Bengal. The first HRD Programme on “Scientific Agri.-Horticultural Practices to augment the income from small farming” has been inaugurated by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor of WBUAFS, Prof. Chanchal Guha in presence of Prof. U. Thapa, DEE, BCKV; Prof. P. Das, Registrar, WBUAFS; Prof. S. Batabyal, DREF, WBUAFS and Dr. M. Sarkar, Director, ICAR-NRC YAK on 07.12.2021 where 24 numbers of Subject Matter Specialists including Farm Manager in the field of Agriculture, Horticulture and Soil Science from 13 different KVKs of West Bengal have participated.
Through this 3-day long HRD Programme, a number of recent technologies evolved in laboratories of different Universities/ICAR institutes have been shared with the participants and ultimately be demonstrated to the farmers’ field for better remunerative agriculture. Besides, the concept of mixed farming, Integrated Farming, climate resilient and demand driven agricultural technologies have been discussed for better and proper utilization of land and water resources. The programme ended with a small feedback and valedictory session on 09.12.2021.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been executed and signed by and between W.B. University of Animal & Fishery Sciences and National Research Centre on Yak, Dirang on 07.12.2021
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been executed and signed by and between W.B. University of Animal & Fishery Sciences and National Research Centre on Yak, Dirang, on 07.12.2021, to facilitate teaching, research and training on mutual interest for both the institute.
Prof. Partha Das, Registrar, on behalf of WBUAFS and Dr. Mihir Sarkar, Director, on behalf of NRC on Yak, had signed the MoU.
Prof. Chanchal Guha, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, WBUAFS, Prof. Subhasis Batabyal, Director of Research, Extension & Farms from WBUAFS, other officials and faculty members of the University were present during the execution of the MoU at Seminar Hall of the DREF, WBUAFS.
Prof. Guha has expressed high pleasure in signing this MoU between two institutes and it would be helpful to the students, researchers, academicians and outreach programme organizers from both the institute, in order to achieve better opportunity and excellence in science and technology by way of exchange of knowledge and technology.
Celebration of World Environmental Day on 5th June, 2021
Report on Farmers’ Training Programme on “Scientific Animal Husbandry practices” held 12th October to 14th October, 2020
DBT, Govt. of India Mission Mode programme, Biotech KISAN Hub, WBUAFS has successfully completed another three days farmers’ training programme on Scientific Animal Husbandry Practices with small and marginal farmers of Aspirational districts of West Bengal (Maldah, Murshidabad, Nadia, Birbhum and Dakshin Dinajpur) through online mode. Through this programme Biotech KISAN Hub has reached to the marginal farmers to teach them about scientific rearing of Goat, Poultry and cows in this Covid-19 pandemic situation too by online mode and also solve their problems through the knowledge of the renowned experts of the University and KVKs. A total 194 farmers have been trained and out of them 81 farmers were from Aspirational districts of West Bengal, 52 farmers from Sunderban area of West Bengal and rest 60 farmers were from Purulia, Bankura, Bardhaman, Jhargram, Medinipur etc. states of West Bengal. In the inauguration programme Dr. K. C. Dhara, Astt. Director of Farms and Principal Investigator of the Project has welcomed all the dignitaries and farmers in the Web platform and discussed the need of such online programme conducted for betterment of farming community during this pandemic situation. Prof. Chanchal Guha, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, WBUAFS appreciate for organising such programme to spread scientific practices among the marginal farmers which not only help them to adopt scientific rearing practices but also help to increase their profit. Prof. Bipul Kumar Das, Director of Research, Extension and Farms (Actg.), WBUAFS has expressed his gratitude and explained how such training help to raise entrepreneurship development among marginal farmers particularly the farm women through improved animal husbandry practices. Prof. Nilotpal Ghosh, Dean, F/O Vety. And Anim. Scs., WBUAFS informed that such web based farmers’ training programme proved itself a very effective and important programme in this distressed pandemic situation. He also shared some valuable information with the farmers how to improve the quality and quantity of animals through Animal husbandry practices. Dr. Sourav Chandra, Registrar (Actg.), WBUAFS emphasised importance of adaptation of scientific practices in the animal husbandry practices in West Bengal to reduce their s expenditure in animal rearing.. Mrs Shilpa Ghosh, Young Professional II, Biotech KISAN Hub has given formal vote of thanks. In the training programme respected speakers Dr. Sourav Chandra, Prof. A.K Samanta, Prof. R. Samanta, Dr. Monoranjan Roy Dr. Sukanta Biswas, Dr. Guruprasad Mondal, Dr. B. K. Biswas, Dr. Sudip Das and Dr. N. J. Moitra delivered their valuable lecture and tried to solve the problems of farmers. At the end of the training, the farmers have expressed their happiness for organizing such a platform where they can share their problem and get help from experts at their own place. Participants also submitted feedback form about their experience of 3 days training programme. The entire programme has nicely been conducted and co-ordinated by the Project employees of Biotech KISAN Hub (Mrs. Shilpa Ghosh, Dr. Paramita Dasgupta, Mr. Asim Kumar Giri, Mrs. Sreetama Bhattacharjee, Mr. Biman Sarkar, Mr. Suprava Roy, Ms. Sayantani Bose, Ms. Abhirupa Dey, Mrs. Rittika Chatterjee and Mr. Mursalim Mondal).
Report of Farmers’ Training Programme on “Scientific Aquaculture practices “dated 28th -30th September, 2020
DBT, Govt. of India Mission Mode programme, Biotech KISAN Hub, WBUAFS has completed another step for wellbeing of the farming community through effective capacity building by three days farmers’ training programme with suitable course curriculum among the small and marginal farmers of Aspirational districts of West Bengal (Maldah, Murshidabad, Nadia, Birbhum and Dakshin Dinajpur) through online mode. As COVID-19 pandemic situation, is prevailing the fish farmers of whole world as well as West Bengal are also facing a challenge a lot due to lack of proper guidance for Scientific Aquaculture. Biotech KISAN Hub is duty bound to fulfill its objective to reach to unreach during the line of need and to solve their problems and total 257 farmers have been trained.
At the onset, Dr. K. C Dhara, Astt. Director of Farms and Principal Investigator of theProject, Director of Research, Extension and Farms (Actg), WBUAFS has welcomed all the dignitaries and farmers in the virtual platform and discussed the need of such training programme for improvement of fish resources of the State.This training programme has been inaugurated by Prof. Chanchal Guha, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, WBUAFS and he has expressed his high level of satisfaction about this novel endeavour and emphasised that the training programme will help in effective entrepreneurship development through improved Aquaculture practices among the farming community of the state.
Prof. Bipul Kumar Das, Director of Research, Extension and Farms (Actg), WBUAFS has assured them that there is a scope of development of their livelihood which is need of the hour,through improved Aquaculture practices.
In the inaugural Prgramme, Dr Subhashis Batabyal, DSW and Head, Department of Veterinary and Biochemistry, WBUAFS requested the fish farmers to come forward to minimize the gap between demand and supply of fish and fish products.
Mrs. Shilpa Ghosh, Young Professional II of the Project has serve formal vote of thanks and assured that the team Biotech KISAN Hub will duty bound about reach to the unreached farmers of the state.
During this training programme respected speakers, Mr. Adwaita Mondal, Dr. Surya Kanta Sau, Prof Gadhadar Das,Mr AsimKumar Giri, Miss Olipriya Biswas, Dr. Samarendra Behera, Mr. Sutanu Karmakar, Dr. Biswarup Saha, Dr. Golam Ziauddin, Mr. Anindya Nayak, Dr. Swaranadhuti Nath, delivered their valuable lecture and try to solve the problems of trainees. At the end of the training, the farmers have expressed their happiness and submitted feedback form about their experience of 3 days training programme. The contribution done by the Project employee of Biotech KISAN HubMrs. Shilpa Ghosh, Dr. Paramita Dasgupta, Mr. Asim Kumar Giri, Mrs. Sreetama Bhattacharjee, Mr. Biman Sarkar, Mr. Suprova Roy, Ms. Sayantani Bose, Ms. Abhirupa Dey, Mrs. Rittika Chatterjee and Mr. Mursalim Mondal has been duty acknowledged.The endevour made by Dr. Uttam Royand Dr. S S Kesh,Co PI of project for successful completion of the training programme was worthy.
Report of Farmers’ Training Programme on “Scientific Animal Husbandry Practices” Dated 14nd to 16th September 2020
DBT, Govt. of India Mission Mode programme, Biotech KISAN Hub, WBUAFS has completed another step for benefit of farming community through a successful three days farmers’ training programme on improved Animal Husbandry Practices with small and marginal farmers of Aspirational districts of West Bengal (Maldah, Murshidabad, Nadia, Birbhum and Dakshin Dinajpur) through online mode. In this Covid-19 pandemic situation, since the livestock farmers of whole world as well as West Bengal also suffers a lot due to lack of proper guidance for rearing animals, Biotech KISAN Hub reaches to them by online mode to solve their problems and also introduced those with modern farming techniques through the knowledge of the renowned experts of the University and KVKs. A total 138 farmers have been trained and out of them 134 farmers were from West Bengal and 4 from outside of West Bengal (1from Lucknow, 1 from Gomati, 1 from Namakkal and 1 from Satna).
In the inauguration programme, Dr. K C Dhara, Astt. Director of Farms and Principal Investigator of the Project has welcomed all the dignitaries and farmers in the Web platform and discussed the need of such online programme conducted for betterment of farming community during this pandemic situation. Dr Bipul Bipul Kumar Das, Director of Research, Extension and Farms (Actg), WBUAFS has expressed his high level of satisfaction about such training programme and assured them that there is a scope of development of their livelihood by effective entrepreneurship through improved Animal Husbandry practices. Prof. Nilotpal Ghosh, Dean, F/O Vety. and Anim. Scs., WBUAFS informed that such web based farmers’ training programme is very much valuable and helpful to all the farmers in this present distressed condition. He also shared some valuable information with the farmers how to improve the quality and quantity of animals through Animal husbandry practices. Dr. Sourav Chandra, Registrar (Actg), WBUAFS urged that there is immense scope of Animal husbandry practices in
India and state. He also noted about the diseases occurred in animals and the remedies of it to overcome the problems. He also praised the work done by the personnel attached to this programme.
Mrs. Sreetama Bhattacharjee, Young Professional II, Biotech KISAN Hub has given formal vote of thanks and assured that the team Biotech KISAN Hub will duty bound about reach to the unreached farmers of the state through all of its resources.
In the training programme, respected speakers, Dr. Santanu Bera, Dr. Probhakar Biswas, Dr. Sourav Chandra, Dr. S.Taraphder, Dr. Sukanta Biswas, Dr Guruprasad Mondal, Dr. B.K Biswas, Dr. Sudip Das and Dr. N.J. Moitra delivered their valuable speech and tried to solve the problems of farmers. At the end of the training, the farmers have expressed their happiness and submitted feedback form about their experience of 3 days training programme. The entire programme has nicely been conducted and coordinated by the Project employees of Biotech KISAN Hub (Mrs. Shilpa Ghosh, Dr. Paramita Dasgupta, Mr. Asim Kumar Giri, Mrs. Sreetama Bhattacharjee, Mr. Biman Sarkar, Mr. Suprova Roy, Ms. Sayantani Bose, Ms. Abhirupa Dey, Mrs. Rittika Chatterjee and Mr. Mursalim Mondal) under the leadership of Co PI of this project Dr. S S Kesh and Dr. Uttam Roy.
Report of Farmers’ Training Programme on “Scientific Aquaculture practices” dated 2nd to 4th September 2020
DBT, Govt. of India Mission Mode programme, Biotech KISAN Hub, WBUAFS has completed another step for betterment of farming community by completing a successful three days farmers’ training programme with small and marginal farmers of five Aspirational districts of West Bengal (Maldah, Murshidabad, Nadia, Birbhum and Dakshin Dinajpur) through online mode. In this COVID-19 pandemic situation, the fisheries farmers of whole world as well as West Bengal also suffers a lot due to lack of proper guidance for Aquaculture. Biotech KISAN Hub reaches to them by online mode to solve their problem and also introduced those with modern culture techniques through the knowledge of the renowned experts of the University and KVKs. A total 101 farmers have been trained and out of them 100 farmers were from West
Bengal and 1 from state Uttrakhand.At the onset, Prof. Bipul Kumar Das, Director of Research, Extension and Farms (Actg), WBUAFS has welcomed all the dignitaries and farmers in the Web platform and discussed the need of the programme. In this inauguration programme, Dr. G. H. Pailan, Principal Scientist & Officer In Charge, Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Kolkata has expressed his high level of satisfaction about this novel endeavour and emphasised that the training programme will help in effective entrepreneurship development through improved Aquaculture practices. Dr. Sourav Chandra, Registrar (Actg), WBUAFS urged that there is immense scope of fishery in India and state. Dr. K. C. Dhara, Astt. Director of Farms and Principal Investigator of the Project give formal vote thanks and assured that the team Biotech KISAN Hub will extend their all cooperation to the distressed farmers of the state.
During this training programme respected speakers, Prof. Shibkinkar Das, Dr. Satabdi Das, Mr. Prasenjit Mali, Mr. Anindya Nayak, Dr. Bimal Kinkar Chand, Mr. Adwaita Mondal, Mr. Samiran Patra, Dr. Golam Ziauddin, Dr. Surya Kanta Sau, and Dr. Supratim Chowdhury delivered their speech and try to solve the problems of trainees. At the end of the training, the farmers have expressed their happiness and submitted feedback form about their experience of 3 days training programme. The Project employee of Biotech KISAN Hub, Mr. Asim Kumar Giri, Dr. Paramita Dasgupta(Das), Mrs. Shilpa Ghosh, Mr. Biman Sarkar, Mrs. Sreetama Bhattacharjee, Mr. Suprova Roy, Ms. Abhirupa Dey, Ms. Sayantani Bose, Mrs. Rittika Chatterjee and Mr. Mursalin Mondal under the leadership of Co PI of project Dr. S. S. Kesh and Dr. Uttam Roy have done their all out effort to make this training programme a successful one.Report of Farmers’ Training Programme under DBT, Govt. of India Mission Mode programme, Biotech KISAN Hub, WBUAFS
DBT, Govt. of India Mission Mode programme, Biotech KISAN Hub, WBUAFS has completed another step for betterment of farming community by completing a successful three days farmers’ training programme with small and marginal farmers of Aspirational districts of West Bengal (Maldah, Murshidabad, Nadia, Birbhum and Dakshin Dinajpur) through online mode. In this Covid-19 pandemic situation, the livestock farmers of whole world as well as West Bengal also suffers a lot due to lack of proper guidance for rearing animals. Biotech KISAN Hub reaches to them by online mode to solve their problem and also introduced those with modern farming techniques through the knowledge of the renowned experts of the University. A total 255 farmers have been trained and out of them 252 farmers were from West Bengal and 3 from neighbouring state Tripura. In those 252 farmers from West Bengal 196 from aspirational districts (Birbhum- 20, Dakshin Dinajpur- 54, Malda- 8, Murshidabad- 100 and Nadia- 14), 15 from Sundarban area (North 24 pgs- 4 and South 24 pgs- 11) and 41 farmers from others districts of West Bengal.
At the onset, Prof. Arunasis Goswami, Director of Research, Extension and Farms, WBUAFS has welcomed all the dignitaries and farmers in the Web platform and urged that such programme need to be conducted frequent mode for betterment of farmers who are providing bread and butter for us even in distressed situation. This training programme has been inaugurated by Prof. Chanchal Guha, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, WBUAFS and he expressed his high level of satisfaction about such activities. He appraised the endeavour to bring a considerable number of migrant labour (those have lost their job due to COVID 19 pandemic) in the training programme which will help them by effective entrepreneurship development through improved Animal Husbandry practices. During the address of the chief guest, Dr. Mohd. Aslam, Advisor (Scientist ‘G’), DBT Govt of India has told that, the Biotech KISAN hub at WBUAFS has done a tremendous job to bring the smile of small marginal women farmer which has been duly acknowledged by Programme Steering and Monitoring Committee (PSMC) under the Biotech-Krishi Innovation Science Application Network (Biotech-KISAN). He also reported that the activities of Biotech KISAN Hub have been monitored by PMO and NITI Ayog in monthly basis and due priority has been provided. He also promised to organise a live meeting between farmers of Biotech KISAN Hub and Honourable Minister of Science and Technology, Govt. of India through online. Dr. Mohd. Aslam also released a documentary film entitled “Life and Livelihood”, based on two years’ success story of Biotech KISAN Hub at WBUAFS. Prof. Nilotpal Ghosh, Dean, F/O Vety. and Anim. Scs., WBUAFS informed that such web based farmers’ programme is probably first in the state even in the country and he praised the work done by the personnel attached to this programme. Dr. K C Dhara, Astt. Director of Farms and Principal Investigator of the Project give formal vote thanks and assured that the team Biotech KISAN Hub will duty bound about reach to the unreached farmers of the state.
During this training programme respected speakers, Dr. Santanu Bera, Dr. Probhakar Biswas, Dr. B.K Biswas, Dr. Manik Pakhira, Dr. Sanjay Dutta, Prof. Arunasis Goswami, Prof. Barun Roy, Dr. Sourav Chandra, Dr. Sudip Das, Dr. N.J. Moitra delivered their speech and try to solve the problems of trainees. At the end of the training, the farmers have expressed their happiness and submitted feedback form about their experience of 3 days training programme. The Project employee of Biotech KISAN Hub, Mrs. Shilpa Ghosh, Dr. Paramita Dasgupta, Ms. Abhirupa Dey, Mrs. Sayantani Bose, Mr. Asim Kumar Giri, Mrs. Sreetama Bhattacharjee, Mr. Suprova Roy, Mr. Biman Sarkar, Mr. Kaustav Poddar, Mrs. Rittika Chatterjee and Mr. Mursalin Mondal under the leadership of Co PI of project Dr. S S Kesh and Dr. Uttam Roy have done their all out effort to make this training programme a successful one.
Report of international webinar on “Animal health, production & entrepreneurship development in post COVID-19 scenario”, held on 7th and 8th July, 2020
An international webinar on “Animal Health, Production & Entrepreneurship Development in Post COVID-19 Scenario” has been organized by Directorate of Research, Extension and Farms in collaboration with Department of Veterinary Animal Husbandry Extension Education, West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences for extension of knowledge among the scientific fraternity of the country and abroad through virtual mode using ICT by Google Meet application & YouTube live, held on 7th and 8th July, 2020. The international webinar has been illuminated with presence of the galaxy of distinguished personalities as speakers. Prof. Chanchal Guha, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, Dr. B N Tripathi, the Deputy Director General (Animal Science), ICAR, Prof. Gaya Prasad, Former Vice Chancellor, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Dr. M V Rao, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Panchayats & Rural Development and Cooperation Departments, Government of West Bengal, Dr. R N Chatterjee, Director, Project Directorate on Poultry, ICAR, Hyderabad, Dr. Arun Bhunia, Professor of Food Science, Department of Comparative Pathobiology, Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, USA, Dr. Mahesh Chander, Joint Director, Extension Education, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Dr. Hari Om Pandey, Sr. Scientist, Livestock Production Management, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, are present as speakers. At the onset Prof. Arunasis Goswami, Director of Research, Extension and Farms (Actg), West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, has welcomed the distinguished speakers for the international webinar. The speakers discussed about Animal Health, Production & Entrepreneurship Development, Problems in Animal Health and Combat Strategy, Poultry Management, Extension methodology to combat Animal Health, Production problems, Entrepreneurship Development through Animal Husbandry, Problems in Animal production management, Animal Health hazards and public health concern, Value addition in Meat and meat products to cope up the need of the hour. A total 554 participants has been registered for this webinar and all the participants has expressed their satisfaction and ranked the webinar as excellent (60%) or very good (38%). The international webinar has been ended with formal vote of thanks given by Dr. K C Dhara, Assistant Director (Farms), West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences and organizing secretary of international webinar. The total programme has nicely co-ordinated by Ms. Abhirupa Dey and Dr. Sukanta Biswas, with taking assistance from Ms. Sayantani Bose, Mr. Suprava Roy, Mr. Biman Sarkar and Mr. Mahim Mandi. All the participants request the university authority to arrange such programme in frequent mode which will be need of the hour.
Honourable Vice Chancellor, WBUAFS, Kolkata, Prof. Chanchal Guha has interacted with all the employees of three Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) under the jurisdiction of the University situated at North 24 Parganas, Murshidabad and Jalpaiguri district on 12th June, 2020
In a need of the hour approach, today (12.06.20) Honourable Vice Chancellor, WBUAFS, Kolkata, Prof. Chanchal Guha has interacted with all the employees of three Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) under the jurisdiction of the university situated at North 24 Parganas, Murshidabad and Jalpaiguri district. This mega web-meeting was organised by Directorate of Research, Extension and Farms office and started from 3 PM as per schedule through Teamlink App. As the convenor of the meeting, the Director, DREF, WBUAFS, Prof. Arunasis Goswami welcomed Hon’ble VC Sir and all KVK staff present on the web-meeting and explained the importance, limitation and opportunity of such programme at diverse Covid-19 situation. As a customery tradition in the first official meeting between present VC Sir and KVK personnel, all the participants placed their self introduction one by one before the administration. Prof. Goswami shortly explained the work pattern and goal of KVK. Dr. N J Maitra, Deputy Director of Research, DREF, WBUAFS focussed on the recent activities of KVKs as the invigilator of KVKs. Prof. Guha, VC, WBUAFS greeted all the employees and praised their work. He specially mentioned his gladness and gratitude on the way KVKs reached their farmers by using different web based technologies in this lockdown situation. He also expressed his heartful sorrow to the physical extensive damage of North 24 Parganas KVK at Ashokenagar due to the cyclonic storm Amphun and assured his eagerness to rebuild it by all possible help from university. Based on his large enriched experience he also guided all KVK scientists about the nature of future work on post covid 19 and amphun situation. He also desired his interest to resolve all legitimate administrative issues related to KVK service by dicussion in a smooth and patient way. Finally he reminded all employees, the basic nature of duty like transfer of technology from lab to land by KVKs, which is also the integral extension face of the University. On the thanks note, Prof. Goswami invited VC Sir to visit the KVKs in the recent post lockdown period and once again thanked all participants. The web meeting successfully completed at 4 PM with 43 participants.
An initiative has been taken by Bio-Tech KISAN Hub, WBUAFS for distribution of sheep and goat feed among the super cyclone “Amphan” affected people of Sundarban, West Bengal
An initiative has been taken by Bio-Tech KISAN Hub, WBUAFS for distribution of sheep and goat feed among the super cyclone “Amphan” affected people of Sundarban, West Bengal to get relief at this very distressful time when they fight each and every second for live. Their main livelihood resources i.e. animal resources particularly sheep and goat are also starvation due to flooding of seawater in thepasture land. As a part of the activities of Bio-Tech KISAN Hub, 200 bags of Quality animal feed (energy and protein rich), particularly sheep and goat feed have been distributed among those “Amphan” affected beneficiaries of Hingalganj and Gosaba block of west Bengal (Sundarban). The programme has been organized from 9th June, 2020 to 11th June, 2020. Apart from this, essentials commodities like food items (rice, pulses, oil and vegetables), baby food, sanitary items etc have also been distributed among these distressed islanders. Such activates of the Bio-Tech KISAN Hub has been appreciated by the local people and university authorities. These initiatives not only restore their distressed condition but also help to save lives of their animals too. Bio-Tech KISAN Hub stands always with the people particularly the farming community for better livelihood even in the time of hardship caused by natural calamity too.
Celebration of World Environment Day on 5th June, 2020
One tree is equivalent to one life. Keeping this gospel in mind and to fulfill the pledge for making our planet a green planet, the West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, Kolkata observed the World Environment Day on 5th June, 2020. Due to the present COVID-19 pandemic and the devastation caused by the Super Cyclone “Amphan” in the state of West Bengal, this year the event was organized in a low key. Prof. Chanchal Guha, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor launched the programme by planting saplings at the Belgachia (Kolkata-37) campus of the university. The Director of Research, Extension and Farms, Registrar, Deputy Registrar and many other university officials also participated in the programme and planted saplings.
The devastating “Amphan” on 20th May, 2020 had caused wide spread damage in the State and around 15000 trees in Kolkata itself had been uprooted and destroyed. In this perspective, Smt Mamata Banerjee, Hon’ble Chief Minister, West Bengal pledged to plant 5 crore trees in the State. The plantation programme initiated by the University in connection with the World Environment Day is a step forward to fulfill a part of the noble aspiration of the Hon’ble Chief Minister of West Bengal.
In today’s programme, a number of Shagoon, Mehogany and Akashmoni saplings have been planted in the Belgachia Campus., The Joint Director and Additional Director of the Directorate of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, Govt. of West Bengal also participated in the programme and planted saplings. The university has a plan to carry out plantation programme also at Mohanpur and Chakgaria Campus by next few days.
North 24 Parganas Krishi Vigyan Kendra initiated an innovative digital programme on Agriculture and allied products / by products marketing during COVID-19: Challenges and Scope on 9th May, 2020
পশ্চিমবঙ্গ প্রাণী ও মৎস্য বিজ্ঞান বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের গবেষণা, খামার ও সম্প্রসারণ বিভাগের অন্তর্গত উত্তর ২৪ পরগণা কৃষি বিজ্ঞান কেন্দ্রের উদ্যোগে আজ উত্তর চব্বিশ পরগনা, মুর্শিদাবাদ ও জলপাইগুড়ি জেলার মোট ১৩ টি FPO/FPC এর প্রধান নির্বাহীদের সাথে সরাসরি “লকডাউন পরিস্থিতিতে কৃষিজ পণ্য/উপজাত পণ্যের বাজারিকরনের সমস্যা ও সুযোগ” সম্পর্কিত আলোচনা হলো ভিডিওকনফরেনসিং এর মাধ্যমে। উপস্থিত ছিলেন বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের মাননীয় অধিকর্তা প্রফেসর অরুনাশিস গোস্বামী মহাশয়, ICAR ATARI এর প্রধান বিজ্ঞানী, ড. পার্থ প্রতিম পাল মহাশয় , উপ অধিকর্তা ডঃ নীলেন্দু জ্যোতি মৈত্র, মুর্শিদাবাদ কৃষি বিজ্ঞান কেন্দ্রের প্রধান ড: উত্তম রায়, জলপাইগুড়ি কৃষি বিজ্ঞান কেন্দ্রের প্রধান ডঃ বিপ্লব দাস, উত্তর ২৪ পরগণাকৃষি বিজ্ঞান কেন্দ্রের প্রধান ড: বাবুলাল টুডু, সম্প্রসারণ বিদ্যা বিশেষজ্ঞ ডঃ সোমা ব্যানার্জী।
উপস্থাপক হিসাবে ছিলেন কৃষি বিজ্ঞান কেন্দ্রের মত্স্য বিশেষজ্ঞ শ্রী অনিন্দ্য নায়ক। প্রাথমিক ভাবে মাননীয় অধিকর্তা এই ধরনের অনুষ্ঠানের প্রয়োজনীয়তা এবং সময়োপযোগিতা ব্যাখ্যা করেন। এরপর ড: পাল কৃষি বিজ্ঞান কেন্দ্র এর এই উদ্যোগের প্রশংসা করেন ।প্রাথমিক পরিচয় পর্ব শেষে FPO/FPC এর কর্মকর্তারা একে একে কোন কোন ক্ষেত্রে কাজ কাজ করছেন তা সবাইকে অবহিত করেন এসঙ্গে এই লকডাউন পরিস্থিতিতে কৃষিজ পণ্য/প্রাণীজাত পণ্য/মত্স্য বিক্রির নিজ নিজ উদ্ভাবনী পদক্ষেপ ও তার সমস্যা নিয়ে আলোচনা করেন বিশেষজ্ঞ দের সাথে। বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রে বিশেষজ্ঞরা সমাধান জানান। বিশেষজ্ঞরা FPO/FPC দের কিছু সমস্যার সমাধানের জন্য কৃষি বিজ্ঞান কেন্দ্র এর প্রধান দের রাজ্য কৃষি দপ্তরের সঙ্গে আলোচনা করতে বলেন।
অনুষ্ঠানে FPO/FPC দের সক্রিয় সহযোগীতা এবং ব্যাপক উদ্দীপনা কৃষি বিজ্ঞান কেন্দ্রকে ভবিষ্যতে এই ধরণের অনুষ্ঠান গ্রহণ করতে উৎসাহিত করেছে।Biotech-KISAN Hub Programme is linking available Science & Technology to the farmers of Sundarban as well as Aspirational districts of West Bengal through understanding their problems and to provide a suitable alternative solution for their better livelihood
Biotech-KISAN Hub Programme is linking available Science & Technology to the farmers of Sundarban as well as Aspirational districts of West Bengal through understanding their problems and to provide a suitable alternative solution for their better livelihood implemented in West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences as a flag ship mission mode programme of Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. In view of the enormous problems faced by the rural farmers of these districts a face to face discussion with farmers from these seven districts has been organized on 11th May 2020 at about 3 PM to sort out their problems faced during this lockdown period through video conference. A total 90 farmers in this video conference from different districts (South Dinajpur- 8; Malda-9; Murshidabad- 11; Nadia- 14; Birbhum-16; North 24 Parganas-5; South 24 parganas-17 and othrs-10) of West Bengal has took part in the Video Conference and majority of them are Women. Prof. Arunasis Goswami, Director of Research, Extension and Farms, WBUAFS, Dr K C Dhara, Principal Investigator of the project, Dr S S Kesh, Co PI of the project, Dr Uttam Roy, Senior Scientist and Head, Murshidabad, KVK, Dr. Pradip Pati, BLDO, Dakshin Dinajpur (Govt. Officer), Dr Sarikul Islam, Astt. Director, ARD (Govt. Officer) and Mr Adwaita Mondal, SMS Malda KVK has also took part in the Video Conference for providing better solution the problems of these farmers. Total 106 participants join this video conference season and make it fruitful. Problems related to goat, Sheep and poultry rearing including health care management, vaccination, preparation of homemade feed materials were being discussed. Farmers share their burning problems which they faced during this lock down period like, lack of vaccination, high rate of feed ingredients of fish meal, some diseases they face among their animals etc. Problems related to aquaculture, brackish water fishery, prawn hatchery, fish feed etc were also being discussed. Marketing problem of fish, meat and egg during lock down crisis has also been pointed out by some farmers. The expert team suggests them the way how they can get rid of these problems. Their valuable advises and technical support helps a lot during this unfavorable time. Though the project personnel cant reach to them physically but they try to reach them via technology and their precious smile succeed our all efforts. As a whole the entire programme has brought a pinch of smile among these unreached farmers and such programme need to be continued in periodical manner.
North 24 Parganas Krishi Vigyan Kendra initiated an innovative digital programme on fish farming practices on 9th May, 2020
North 24 Parganas Krishi Vigyan Kendra under Directorate of Research , Extension and Farms , WBUAFS initiated an innovative digital programme on fish farming practices during COVID-19 pandemic situation on 9th May 2020 at 3.30 pm using video conferencing through Teamlink aap. In the said programme from WBUAFS , Prof. Arunashish Goswami, DREF , Prof. Shib Kinkar Das, Dept of Aquaculture and Dr. Nilendu Jyoti Maitra , Depty Director Research were present as experts. On behalf of KVK , Anindya Nayak ,SMS (Fishery) was present as expert . In this programme 30 fish farmers from 4 different blocks namely, Sandeshkhali 1&2, Swarupnagar and Gaighata were connected digitally. The opening speech was delivered by DREF mentioning the importance of such digital programme in present situation of COVID-19 lockdown to reach the fish farmers maintaining social distancing. After primary introduction between the farmers and experts , the farmers one by one shared their present situations regarding fish farming and related problems faced during lockdown. Experts adviced them about the procedure of homemade fish feed formulation. Fish diseases (carp) and it’s preventive measures were also discussed. Prawn farming and procedure to maintain the pond soil and water health were adviced. Information regarding different fish spwan collection center and possible alternative fish marketing procedure in the present situation were also shared. Awareness regarding state government policies and relaxation regarding fish transport and marketing was also done. The enthusiasm and active participation of the farmers at village level has inspired North 24 Parganas KVK to take up further such digital venture for the benefit of different farmers under the present senerio.
North 24 Parganas Krishi Vigyan Kendra initiated an innovative digital programme to discuss different aspects of livestock rearing during lockdown
North 24 Parganas Krishi Vigyan Kendra under Directorate of Research , Extension and Farms , WBUAFS initiated an innovative digital programme to discuss different aspects of livestock rearing during lockdown – it’s problems and solutions. Platform used was video conferencing through Teamlink aap. In the said programme from WBUAFS , Prof. Arunasis Goswami, DREF and Dr. Nil
endujyoti Maitra , Depty Director Research were present as experts. On behalf of KVK, Dr Babulal Tudu, PC , Dr. Kaushik Pal , SMS ( Animal Science ) and Dr. Chinmoy Maji , SMS ( Animal health ) were present as experts . The programme was convened and organized digitally by Mr. Anindya Nayak ,SMS (Fishery). In this programme 25 animal rearing farmers from 6 different blocks namely, Habra-1&2, Sandeshkhali 1&2, Swarupnagar and Gaighata were connected digitally. The opening speech was delivered by DREF mentioning the importance of such digital programme in present situation of Covid-19 lockdown to reach the farmers maintaining social distancing. After primary introduction of the experts and the farmers the problems faced during lockdown regarding animal rearing were discussed with the experts and probable solution were also shared . The enthusiasm and active participation of the farmers at village level has inspired KVK , North 24 Parganas to take up further such digital venture for the benefit of different farmers under the present senerio.